Maximize earnings on your savings balance with competitive, tiered rates — without losing access to your funds.
Key Features
Competitive, Tiered Interest
Check Writing Privileges
Free Digital Banking
- Competitive interest earnings on entire balance
- Tiered rates — the higher your balance, the higher your rate
- Higher rates than First Premium Savings
- Avoid the $10 monthly service fee by:
- Maintaining a $2,500 minimum daily balance, OR
- Maintaining a $5,000 minimum daily balance in related deposit accounts1
- Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds, including direct check writing:
- Unlimited in-person withdrawals or by mail
- Free business digital banking services, including:
- Online banking
- Mobile banking
- eStatements
- Free telephone banking
- Can be used as overdraft protection
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open
1Related deposit account balances include checking, savings and time deposits and must be held under the same Tax Reported Owner.